English language

How to pronounce depression in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms clinical depression, depressive disorder
Type of affective disorder, emotional disorder, major affective disorder, emotional disturbance
Has types anaclitic depression, endogenous depression, major depressive episode, retarded depression, psychotic depression, neurotic depression, agitated depression, exogenous depression, dysthymic depression, dysthymia, reactive depression
Type Words
Synonyms great depression
Type Words
Synonyms low
Type of air mass
Type Words
Synonyms impression, imprint
Type of concave shape, concavity, incurvature, incurvation
Has types groove, incision, slit, seam, line, scratch, channel, chap, sag, crack, cranny, droop, crease, crevice, crinkle, dip, dimple, prick, dent, wrinkle, furrow, fissure
Type Words
Synonyms economic crisis, slump
Type of crisis, economic condition
Type Words
Synonyms natural depression
Type of geological formation, formation
Has types trough, hole, hollow, lowland, oceanic abyss, deep, crater, bottom, bed, sink, sinkhole, basin, swallow hole, trench, vale, valley
Type Words
Type of mental state, psychological condition, psychological state, mental condition
Has types melancholy, megrims, funk, low spirits, blues, blue funk, vapours, blue devils, slough of despond, vapors, melancholia, dejection
Type Words
Type of angular position
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Type of push, pushing
Has types click, mouse click
Derivation depress

depression of the space bar on the typewriter.
Type Words
Type of sadness, unhappiness
Has types oppressiveness, helplessness, despondency, demoralisation, dysphoria, heartsickness, demoralization, despondence, disconsolateness, oppression

Examples of depression

One of its major goals is to de-stigmatize depression and those seeking of help.
From the dailyherald.com
So we know depression if it's untreated is a harmful state, a harmful condition.
From the abcnews.go.com
That, in turn, could push countries from recession into a full-blown depression.
From the online.wsj.com
This means that sudden withdrawals of support might deepen housing's depression.
From the newsweek.com
If the depression builds into a hurricane, it would be the second of the season.
From the cnn.com
Ireland will now return to the depression and its people deserve so much better.
From the telegraph.co.uk
To read about alternatives and adjuncts to medication for depression, look here.
From the latimes.com
They're in a severe depression over the prospect of having to entertain at home.
From the washingtonpost.com
Another equally plausible suggestion is that she suffered from manic depression.
From the telegraph.co.uk
More examples
  • A mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
  • A long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
  • Natural depression: a sunken or depressed geological formation
  • Sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
  • A period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
  • Low: an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
  • Depression, one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders. is being diagnosed in increasing numbers in various segments of the population worldwide. Depression in the United States alone affects 17.6 million Americans each year or 1 in 6 people. ...
  • In economics, a depression is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies. It is a more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by economists as part of a normal business cycle.
  • Depression in geology is a landform sunken or depressed below the surrounding area. Depressions may be formed by various mechanisms, and may be referred to by a variety of technical terms such as: *Basin: any large sediment filled depression. ...